Secure The Pay Rise Or Promotion You Want And Need : A Fail Safe 8 Step Process

With the cost of living crisis impacting many of us, it might be time for you to secure a pay rise or promotion, however many people we speak to don’t know how to go about it. The thought of asking for more money can be a daunting prospect so rather than step forward, many retreat and step back deciding to sit in the comfort zone, or worse start to ‘work to rule’, or ‘quiet quit’ as it’s more recently coined.
“I’ve been securing pay rises and promotions my entire career, is it time for you to secure a pay rise?”
Allow me to introduce myself, I am Gina Maria Buckney, Founder and Director here at Your People Power, we are a workplace performance and wellbeing organisation that helps large multinational corporates (such as Microsoft, Amazon, Johnson & Johnson etc) to enhance workplace performance and happiness.
Here are my tips (in the form of steps, as it’s a process) when hoping to secure a pay rise or promotion. A proven method that has enabled me to achieve significant pay raises (and promotions) over my 20-year career.
8 fail safe steps to secure a pay rise or promotion
Step 1: Do your research
I recommend anyone wanting to secure a pay rise first to do their research, find out the current market rates, and, if you can, the rates of your colleagues.
Step 2 : Work out where you sit on the pay scale
Use the information from Step 1 to determine where you sit compared to others in your job role. For example, are you being paid much less or at the top of the scale? It is critical to understand this as it will help you decide how to pitch for the desired pay rise. For example, if you sit at the top of the pay scale, you will need a much more compelling case to convince your manager to award you one (but don’t worry if you are, I have a solution for that).
Step 3 : Gather your evidence
When asking for a raise, you must have positive evidence and examples of how you have delivered great results for the organisation or have gone above and beyond other colleagues. Some examples might be specific results with a financial value or delivery attached to them, or others might be behavioural. For example, you might adopt a ‘can do attitude’ and always take on more work or cover for others’ absences. The more examples you can gather here, the better, as not only will it prove your case to your leader, but it will also give you the confidence to ask.
Step 4 : Ask for a meeting to discuss your performance (or set aside time in a regular 121)
Position with your manager that you would like to meet to discuss your performance and gain their feedback on how you are progressing.
Step 5 : Confidently prepare your mindset ahead of the meeting
Confidence in this is everything. If you go into the session not feeling confident in what you are asking for, you might need help convincing your senior that you deserve it. The more time you spend on steps 1-3, the better, as this will give you the fire in your belly that you deserve it. Practice what you will say, visualise how you would like the meeting to go, as playing the scenario out in your mind first will help you spot any flaws in your pitch. Think of questions or pushback you might receive and prepare an answer for them beforehand.
Step 6 : Work out your figures
Although it’s not necessary, having a figure in mind of what you would be happy with is good. In some cases, the organisation will decide this; however, the last thing you want after all this work is a raise you are not happy with. Also, remember what I said about where you sit in the pay scale? You should easily justify moving up if you are at the lower end. However, if you sit at the top of the bracket, you may wish to consider asking for a promotion rather than a pay rise. I have used this method several times as I reached the glass ceiling in my roles.
Step 7 : Be prepared for a no or a not now
Your manager may not be able to award you a pay rise immediately or even be able to consider one, so be prepared for a no or a not yet. If this is the response, being prepared for it will mean you maintain professionalism in the meeting and won’t get flustered. Your response to this response should be, ‘Okay, I understand, and I appreciate you listening to my request; when do you think would be a good time for a follow-up review, and can you advise me on what else I need to do to secure the payrise?’. Taking this approach means the discussion will not be forgotten and provides a firm date for the follow-up.
Step 8 : Always be gracious
Adopt an attitude of gratitude; this will go a long way in the mind of the senior decision-maker.
It’s time to elevate your career; secure a pay rise or promotion
These fail safe steps will give you a proven structure and the confidence to ask. Believe in your abilities and most importantly, believe in yourself. If you need more help, support and guidance with pay raises, promotions, or personal development contact my team today, or book a 121 personal development session with me.
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